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How To Find Last Minute Movers and Packers

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Not everyone thinks about how they might move from their homes at the last minute due to emergencies, but it is a concern that you cannot ignore. While many people plan their moves weeks or months in advance, you might need to ask for help about one or two weeks before you need to leave your old property. However, there’s no shame in that. Our lives can get pretty hectic at times. We understand that. The timing can be tough to manage, but we at Roadway Movers believe that every problem has a solution. There are plenty of movers that would be able to accept your request, you just have to know where to find them. After reading this article, you’ll know exactly where to find last-minute packers and movers.

Tips to Help You Move Faster

There are many reasons why you might need to hire someone to help you move on the spot due to an emergency. In fact, there are as many reasons as there are people. These are some of the reasons we see often.

a moving truck
Make your move stress-free with the help of our reliable movers and packers.

  • You might have to leave your property after breaking off a relationship with someone.
  • You could also need to get out of your space before a foreclosure date.
  • Your new job in a different location might start sooner than you expect.
  • There could be a family need that requires you to move to somewhere new, prompting you to leave on short notice.
  • Sometimes another moving company might have tried helping you, but that entity might have canceled its appointment with you.

Whatever your reason may be, moving on short notice doesn’t have to be scary. You’ll need to review a few points before you plan your emergency move to ensure everything works well and is safe.

1. Keep Things Going One Step At a Time

The short-notice moving process can seem stressful, but it can get worse if you try doing too many things at once. You can keep your moving plans in check by keeping things going one step at a time. Focus on one task at a time. Like packing your items or finding storage NYC for your items before moving to the next location. You’ll have an easier time keeping your work under control when you are cautious with the moving process. So, prepare your moving checklist and remember not to panic. You need to think fast, but you don’t have to rush. If you do, the mistakes that you make could cost you a lot of money.

2. Look At Your Packing Plans

You can plan your move by looking at how you’re going to pack all your items. The packing process should include a careful approach to how you’re going to handle everything. Watch for how you divide your items. Keep everything sorted by room or function. Look at whether some of your items are high-priority items you’ll need to access sooner after you move, and prioritize those with your moving provider.

Look at how a mover will also handle your items. A mover should be there to safely carry and transport everything in your space, including all the fragile items that require extra preparation. Talk with your mover about your need to transport, and ask about whether you’ll require any special rules for moving these things.

a mover carrying moving boxes
In order to find last-minute movers and packers, you need to know where to look.

A mover can also prepare different boxes and other moving materials for the process. Movers can create custom-made boxes that fit specific items, or they can use protective padding materials for some products. They can also help you take apart your furniture items and put them back together in your new space. A mover can provide plenty of items, but movers can also offer some flexibility. For example, if you call a company up and they are all booked on your moving date, they could offer you another service. That could be helpful. For example, storage. Many moving companies nowadays also offer storage services. So look out for those.

3. Manage Your Paperwork

The moving process entails more than transporting your physical items. You’ll also need to look at your paperwork and how you’re managing all your documents before you move to your next destination.

You can use a few points in your moving plans when getting your paperwork out:

  • Contact your employer about your relocation. Your employer can provide references for you surrounding whatever contracts you need to manage. If you got a promotion, for example, or you’re relocating for a job, your employer should be able to find movers for you.
  • Transfer all your utilities to your new location as soon as you can. Let your utility service providers know about your new address and when you’re going to be there. The process ensures you won’t lose access to whatever utilities you need to use.
  • Move your bank accounts and other finances to your new location. Inform all financial service providers you use about your new address to ensure you can stay in touch with everyone here.
  • Bring your car into a maintenance station for service if you have one. You’ll need to ensure your vehicle is ready for the long travel out to your new space.
  • Get all your medical records ready so you can transfer them to a new provider in your new spot.
  • Get your kids’ school records ready if you have any kids with you for your move. You can collect these records and transfer them to a school in your new location.

All paperwork you manage should be updated and accurate. Be certain when getting things ready that you have the right documents and materials on hand. The work ensures you’ll have all your utilities up and running at your new location.

4. Watch For Storage

Oftentimes, if you can’t find a mover on the spot and you are very last-minute, a storage container is your best solution. Moving companies offer many storage options, with many providing climate-controlled environments where all items will stay safe and free from extreme temperatures. For example, White Glove moving and storage have storage spaces that are secure and accessible, where you can store whatever specific items. Putting your items in a storage unit will take the stress of moving last-minute off of your shoulders and you could come back for them anytime.

5. Ask Friends and Colleagues For Mover Info

The odds are some people in your local area might have used moving services in your area. You can ask them about their experiences with different movers and see what they recommend. Ask them about how their items were transported or how they were stored. You can also ask about how easy it was for them to unpack their items at their new locations. Your friends and colleagues will probably have some useful information, suggestions, or advice to share.

three people carrying boxes
Find last minute movers and packers with the help of your colleagues and friends.

6. Check Online Reviews

You can find many emergency movers online, but don’t trust only their websites when looking for information. Go online to find reviews on these companies from prior clients. You can check to see what people are saying about these teams and what they like and don’t like about them and the way their move was handled. You can eventually narrow things down to a few companies. Stick with two or three candidates as the end, as you won’t have enough time to go through any further reviews of all these moving teams.

7. Watch For the Prices

You can use a few points when reviewing how much a mover will charge you for the service:

  • The cost will depend depending on the scale of your move.
  • It might cost more to book a mover on the weekend because most people move on the weekends.
  • There could be specific rules and rates for moving specific things, including pool tables, pianos, fine art pieces, and other expensive or fragile items. Look at their policy terms before hiring them. 

8. Allow For Some Leeway In Your Schedule

Being flexible with your moving schedule is a sure way to land your movers on the date that you want. If you could move some things around and hurry up with your packing, you may even be able to move a little bit earlier. If the moving company you contacted is too busy on your moving date. Companies often propose an earlier date to see if you could make it. Sometimes you might need to expedite parts of your schedule so that you could get their services. Be ready to get a few things done ahead of time or to shift your schedule when you’re moving in a hurry.

Find Last Minute Movers and Packers like roadway movers
Dedicate your day only to settling in your new home.

Final notes

Even though you need to find last-minute movers and packers quickly, you should still watch out for the quality of their services. A mover should be able to get the job done the right way. Also, beware of scammers. Since this could especially be an issue when you’re trying to find movers last minute. When you find a potential moving company and while you are comparing quotes, make sure to also check to see if the company is BBB-recognised so that you can avoid getting scammed. If you skip this step you may be losing valuable time and a considerable amount of money as well.

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