How to Pack A Truck for Long Distance Moving: How Do You Do It?

Moving can be one of the best things that can happen in your life, especially since you’re finally moving to your dream home. Unfortunately, moving isn’t just about fixing your documents and making new arrangements for work and even schooling. A huge part of the move depends on the actual moving day, and some complications may even happen then. For instance, what if some of your things won’t fit in the moving truck? Is there a way to make everything fit inside so you’re all set for long distance moving?
How to Pack a Truck for Long Distance Moving?
Here are some of the best tips you can use to pack a truck for long distance moving:
- Pack your things properly to maximize space. One of the best tips to be able to fit your packages in moving trucks has to do with how you pack your belongings. You should use packing items such as moving boxes, plastic wrap, and furniture pads so everything can fit together nicely. When packing inside boxes, try to manage your box space as best you can so a lot of items can fit inside without the risk of being broken.
- Weight distribution matters when putting your things inside trucks. If you have a lot of stuff to move to your new home, how they’re placed inside the truck matters. That’s because placing items in the wrong position may not distribute the weight in the truck properly and risk having things broken or being thrown around. If you decide to pack a moving truck, try to ask truck rental companies if the weight of the truck “feels right” after putting your things inside of them. Should they say something feels “off,” then some parts of your belongings have to be adjusted.
- Heavier items should go at the end and at the bottom of the truck. When you decide to pack a moving truck, make sure the largest and heaviest items are placed first and put on the surface of the truck’s inside. This guarantees the best weight distribution and provides prolonged support for long distance moving that fits any size truck. Aside from that, this makes it much easier to put in other items that can be fragile or “light” without the risk of having them damaged. As a general move of thumb, layers of the moving truck should be arranged from lightest to heaviest. This means heavy furniture should go in first followed by heavy items, and then the rest will follow.
- Lighter and more sensitive items should be closer to the front of the truck. In contrast to the advice on heavy items, your lighter items should be at the top layer and as close to the entrance as possible. This will give you easy access to them and avoid damaging them once you start the packing process. Fragile items should be easily accessible but in secure locations, such as in between sturdy but durable items, and still placed in such a way that they won’t be thrown around during the travel.
- Fiddle with furniture disassembly and placement to maximize space. In order to save space, consider dismantling your furniture items when loading a moving truck. This means a piece of furniture like a sofa can be dismantled to have its frame and its cushions separate. Not only do you get a sturdy frame as a “foundation” for your other boxes, but your cushions can support fragile items. In the case of beds, its mattress and box spring may be put in an upright position to save space and cushion the sides of the truck.
- Ask for assistance from your moving team. While it’s ideal for you to be able to place things inside the moving truck, professionals such as moving companies will be able to put your belongings in trucks in a practical and efficient way. Thanks to their experience with countless moves, they can make sure your items are neatly placed in a way that won’t break anything during the travel to your new home.
Packing Trucks for Long Distance: It’s About Managing Space
With the above taken into consideration, it’s important to remember that moving isn’t just about organizing your inventory and packing your things, but also about making sure you pack them just right to fit in your movers’ trucks. Ideally, your belongings should be packed properly and securely – but if you encounter some difficulties with fitting them inside the moving truck, the tips above can help you solve this problem. You may also count on our team from Roadway Moving to be able to help you with fitting everything inside.