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Supporting the AIDS Walk NYC to Make a Difference

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At Roadway Moving, supporting communities and people is at the core of our values, setting us apart as a business that prioritizes our people. Every year, we actively engage in social initiatives that can have a positive impact, and one cause we wholeheartedly support is the AIDS Walk NYC.

We are committed to improving lives and firmly believe that through proactive efforts and unwavering dedication, we can lead a true revolution.

AIDS Walk New York

The Significance of the Fight against HIV/AIDS

The fight against HIV/AIDS holds immense significance for us at Roadway Moving, as it has the potential to save millions of lives worldwide, including those dear to us. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in shaping a better future for humanity. Caring for people and transforming lives through unwavering effort and dedication is in our DNA. By placing people at the forefront, we aim to collectively make a difference by walking towards a brighter future together.

Our Participation in AIDS Walk NYC

We are delighted to announce that Roadway Moving will be participating in and sponsoring the upcoming AIDS Walk NYC event on May 21st, 2023, held in Central Park. This occasion holds great significance for us as we are honored to support such a crucial cause. The AIDS Walk NYC is globally recognized as the largest and most prominent HIV/AIDS fundraising event, organized by the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), a leading advocacy organization in the field.

AIDS Walk New York

Uniting Efforts and Creating an Incredible Experience

Since its inception in 1986, the annual AIDS Walk NYC has united individuals from around the world, raising funds for HIV/AIDS programs and services provided by GMHC and local organizations. This year, the walk will take us through the picturesque Central Park, followed by a joyous post-walk celebration featuring music and entertainment. It promises to be an unforgettable experience shared among all participants.

AIDS Walk New York

Our Commitment to Making a Difference

We understand the significance of giving back to the community, and our participation in the AIDS Walk NYC is a testament to that commitment. Beyond raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, testing, and prevention, our involvement demonstrates support for the LGBTQ+ community and the individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. Our primary motivation for participating is to contribute to a worthy cause.

Direct Impact through Funds Raised

The funds raised through AIDS Walk NYC directly support HIV/AIDS programs and services in the New York City area. These programs encompass testing and prevention initiatives, housing and supportive services, legal and advocacy support, and more. By joining the AIDS Walk NYC, we aim to ensure that individuals living with HIV/AIDS receive the care and support necessary for healthy and fulfilling lives.

Joining a Community of Like-Minded Individuals

Participating in the AIDS Walk NYC goes beyond attending a party or parade; it means joining a community of like-minded individuals committed to making a tangible difference. We firmly believe that through unity and collective effort, we can create a world where HIV/AIDS is no longer a threat. Together, we aim to positively impact the lives of those affected and support groundbreaking research and advocacy initiatives on the path to finding a cure.

AIDS Walk New York

Get Involved

To join us and participate in the walk, come to Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park. (South of Bethesda Terrace, mid park at 71st Street) on May 21st, 2023.
The Opening Ceremony starts at 9:15 AM and AIDS Walk begins at 10:00 AM.

If you are unable to participate in the walk, you can still support the cause by making a direct donation to GMHC’s AIDS Walk fundraising page.

We at Roadway Moving invite you to join our fight and make a difference in the community. By uniting and demonstrating support for this vital cause, collective action will lead to a brighter future and create a lasting impact. We eagerly await your participation and look forward to seeing you at our booth in Central Park!

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