7 Fun Things to do Before You Move

Moving can be an emotional challenge. You are moving away from what is familiar and into an unfamiliar place. Decluttering and packing can be overwhelming. The best way to deal with this emotional time is to plan a few fun things to do during the move.
Here are 7 fun things you and your family can do before you move:
Throw one last party
Depending on where you move, you will be leaving behind neighbors, friends, and even family members. Throw a party and invite everyone to come. It is a great time to say your goodbyes, exchange contact information and get some pictures. You can do the cooking yourself or pick up some orders from your local spot.
Eat at your favorite restaurants
You likely have at least one restaurant that you love to frequent. Before you move, make it a point to visit your local favorites. It will be one less meal to cook at home while enjoying good food in a place you love. For the night before the move, make one last trip to your favorite place.
Create a memory album
Before you start doing the main packing, take time to get pictures of your home. You can add those pictures to a special photo album. Remember to get pictures of the neighborhood, your kids’ schools, neighbors, friends, and family in the area. That memory album will go a long way when dealing with homesickness.
Have a moving sale
Okay, having a moving sale may not sound like fun, but it can be! Everyone in the family can participate, marking their own items for sale. Then, get some signs out and let the buyers come. A few hours of your time will lighten the amount you need to move and give you a bit of extra money to spend.
Have one last play date
If you have kids, make sure they get special time with their friends before leaving. Coordinate a play date for the little ones. Maybe have a sleepover for the older ones. This is important for helping children make a transition during a move.
Go Somewhere New
Visit a museum or other attraction you have never been to before. Most people have somewhere they have wanted to visit in their local area, but never made time to do it. In between packing, take a few hours to hit that funky museum, unique shop, or sightseeing destination. It will help you relax and get away from the stress of moving for a bit. Remember to add the pictures to your memory album.
Give yourself a break
Moving is stressful, even with the help of professional moving companies. Don’t let things get overwhelming. Take time for yourself. Set an appointment for a massage, a pedicure, or a trip to the book store. Taking little breaks here and there will reduce the stress of the move for everyone.
Don’t let a move get you down. Give yourself permission to have a bit of fun before the moving van pulls up to the curb. It will make the move easier for everyone.
Ready to make your move stress free? Contact Roadway Moving today for a free quote to get started!