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A Guide to Moving with Children

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Moving with children is stressful. Kids rely on their daily routine to help them through the day and moving is the ultimate disruption to that routine. It can be difficult for children to understand why they are moving and what is involved. That is why it is important to begin discussing the move with children as soon as possible so that they can become comfortable with the process. As a top-rated moving company in New York City, Roadway Moving has completed thousands of moves with children. Here are some tips that will help when moving with children.


Moving with children doesn’t have to be stressful

Moving with small children or even teenagers is no walk in the park. If you don’t prepare them adequately, this can be a very stressful time for them. This is why you need to make sure that they understand why you are moving, how, and where. You need to make them feel safe and explain to the best of your ability, why moving to NYC is going to be good for them. Of course, you won’t have many problems convincing any teenager to move to NYC with you. They’ll probably be over the moon. But your little ones can be scared of the big city…so make sure you take this easy on them. And give them plenty of time to get used to the idea of a new home and a new city. If you need any help with the move, New York moving company is always at your service.

a man holding a child
Moving with children is challenging, but not impossible.

1. Explain to kids that they are moving

Let children know that they are moving as soon as you possibly can. Give them time to process the information and the emotions that go along with a transfer. Depending on their age, you may have to explain to them what moving means. It is important that you give children all of the details of the move and ask them how they are feeling along the way. At first, kids may be sad or afraid of the prospect of leaving the only house they have ever known. It is your job to speak about the move in a positive way. Children might need to be convinced that this is an exciting time, full of new opportunities. It may help to frame the movie as an adventure, one that stars them as the most important character.

How to help your kids combat the fear of the unknown?

The dread of the unknown is one of the most basic anxieties a human being may have. But, especially, little kids. Children are particularly resistant to change since they need a steady environment throughout their development. To combat this, make sure your youngster understands where you’re going and any major changes that may occur as a result of the relocation. Show them images of your new neighborhood, offer them some amusing instances of cultural differences, and (if appropriate) study the language together.


If you’re relocating across the nation, you may have a few excursions scheduled ahead of time to explore the neighborhoods, schools, and real estate. If this is the case, make every effort to bring your children with you (even if it means they miss a day or two of school). They will be introduced to the new surroundings in a controlled context and will be able to ask questions without feeling overwhelmed. The less the journey seems like a leap into the unknown and more like an educated long-term vacation, the better the experience for you and your kid.

2. Start planning the move as soon as possible

It is important when planning a move with children to be prepared for moving week, not moving day. Stick to daily routines as closely as possible each day so that children can feel comfortable as you prepare them for moving. Make a moving checklist and create your schedule as soon as possible. Involving kids in the moving process can be helpful. It keeps them occupied and makes them feel important.

3. Downsizing will be necessary!

Then, just when you think you’ve purged everything, you need to purge again! Moving with children to NYC is no easy task. And if you’re moving somewhere closer to Manhattan, chances are your home is also going to be smaller. If that is the case, Manhatten movers may be able to step in to help you out. You can’t start packing for a move to NYC, unless you’ve done some purging and sorting. You can involve the kids in this process as well.  When purging their toys and their room, make sure to check with them if it’s okay to donate or throw out their item. You don’t want to throw out their favorite toy by mistake and cause drama. That’s the last thing you’ll need during this time.

a woman packing a box for moving with children
If you have the time, you should discard the stuff you no longer need.

Sort into three groups. One for keepsakes, another for stuff that needs to be thrown out, and the third for donations. Keep only the things you treasure, the things you love, and the things you use. Not everything you like is necessary. If they make you happy, sure, keep them. But if you don’t see yourself using it anytime soon, then it’s time to throw it out. Donate all the items that are no longer useful to you or your family or are just taking up space. My family discovered that we had accumulated an overabundance of outgrown clothing, toys, and even genuine furniture. Throw away or recycle something that is no longer useful. If after the purge, you still don’t have enough space for all of your things, at moving and storage Brooklyn, you can find a new home for them. And you can go and get them any time.

4. Involve your kids in the packing process

Children might have difficulty understanding that packing up their possessions is only temporary. Sometimes kids treat their stuffed animals as real, so putting them in a box and closing it with tape can be traumatic. That is why you should turn moving into a game that everyone in their room is participating in. Let kids help with the packing of their room and toys. Reassure them by talking to their stuffed animals and letting them know that everything is going to be ok. And, involve children in the labeling of boxes, maybe with fun colors or stickers.

5. Keep them occupied

Pack a bag for your child with their favorite things to help them get through moving day and a few days after that. On the morning of your move, you may be stressed out and worried about the transfer. It is important that you stay positive and explain to children what is going to happen when the movers arrive. Keep kids occupied with toys, iPads, and activities throughout moving day. If a relative or friend can take them for a few hours, it might be helpful for everyone during the move. If they must be at the house, keep them busy with tasks or involve them in the moving process. Daily routines should still be kept as unchanged as possible on moving day.

6. Hire a babysitter

The most critical component of relocating with children is admitting when assistance is required. Your parents and friends may be too busy that week. Hiring a babysitter for a couple of days won’t hurt your bank. We all need help sometimes. There’s no shame in that. This is the best way to get everything done fast and keep your kids safe at the same time. Even while children may participate in a lot of the moving process, there are certain jobs that are difficult or need particular attention. For example, your kids can’t be running around when the movers come to load their trucks. During these times, it’s critical to be truthful and to enlist the help of loved ones or a nanny to babysit and occupy your kids. Hiring a moving company to assist with some of the labor can also make things go more smoothly.

7. Give Simple Tasks to the Children

Depending on their age, children may feel upset or left out if they are ignored throughout the moving process. Give them modest or easy chores to make them feel included. Depending on the child’s age, this might be as basic as marking or decorating a box to be placed in storage or as complex as sorting and folding clothes.

8. Maintain their routines

If you have children, you understand the value of consistency and regularity. Make sure you continue to do the activities you’ve always done, such as game evenings and family mealtimes. Make sure you invite individuals that they may be acquainted. This will provide them with a feeling of normality before and after you move into your new home. It will also prevent them from feeling as if they have lost their home.

happy childhood is one of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move
Make sure your child doesn’t skip their daily activities.

9. Meal prep for the first few days

Nothing is worse than starving children. You don’t want them to get hangry and start screaming. Pack a kit of non-perishables to have on hand on the day you move and for the first few days thereafter, especially if you have small children. It’s alright if some of them are less-than-desirable individually packed and processed ‘delights’ – these treats may actually make the shift easier.

Expect to be without a refrigerator at a suitable chilly temperature, especially on the first night. Friends or relatives may be able to deliver you food you cooked earlier that they’ve kept refrigerated in their house for you.  If you haven’t already, familiarize yourself with the fast-food or takeout possibilities in your neighborhood – don’t feel bad about it! We’ve all been there at least once in our lives.

10. Pack an essentials bag

You are aware that even routine travel with children is difficult and time-consuming. You must have everything you need, including food, wet wipes, and emergency medicine. Get a small backpack or travel bag for the youngster to keep with them at all times throughout the journey. Special goods, such as dolls, books, or treasured blankets, might be kept in that bag by children. Also, take toys for your children to play with when traveling by vehicle or airline.

A mover about to prepare ann essential box before moving
An essential box should contain the things that are necessary for keeping daily routines

How to make moving more interesting for children?

Making relocation seem like a fun and entertaining game is the greatest approach to get youngsters involved in the process. This does not have to be complicated; it may be as easy as aiming and hurling non-fragile items into a box, such as a basketball net. Of course, more intricate rules and requirements may be devised, or a family might pass the time by playing word or rhyming games aloud while packing.

Make a treasure chest with them

Allow your child to pack some of his own things. You may even offer to buy them some new toys for the new house. But don’t go overboard with it. And let them put their treasure box themselves in the car. This will offer them a feeling of security and control over their most valuable possessions.

Create a scrapbook

Your youngster will be able to visit their previous home symbolically anytime they need if you create a memory book packed with phone numbers and e-mail addresses of their friends, relatives, and babysitters.

Host a farewell party

It may be difficult for your kid to say goodbye to old friends and neighbors, but a farewell party provides closure and helps them feel less as if they are abandoning their pals. Explain to them that they will meet a lot of new friends in NYC. And that there’s nothing to worry about. Describe some of the places and parks in New York you want to take them to. Show them pictures as well.

Settling down in your new home

It takes everyone a few weeks to get used to new surroundings after a move. This is especially true for children. They will need some time to get comfortable in their new room and with their new routine. After your movers Queens have unloaded your truck and left the site, your kids may be a bit confused. It is important to be patient with children after moving. Ask them regularly how they are feeling and how much they like their new home. Remind kids about what a good job they did during the move and how proud you are of them. And, ask kids how their toys and stuffed animals are liking their new room and living space. This will connect them to their new home and help them to become emotionally invested in it.

Roadway movers
After your movers have unloaded their trucks, don’t wait to unpack. Do it as soon as possible.

Don’t put off unpacking at your new home

It might be tempting to put your stuff in boxes, but doing so can make your youngster feel apprehensive as if the family is about to leave again. Be aware that it will take time for your kid to acclimate to their new home and social situations. Encourage them to express their emotions and participate in the relocation. When moving with children, the greatest method to guarantee a pleasant transition is to make your child feel in charge, stable, and safe.

Take a deep breath

Remember that this, too, is a process and that they will learn to cope with over time. When things seem big and overwhelming, take a deep breath and a rest. Run to your favorite coffee shop, get your favorite beverage, and unwind. Make some time for yourself. Your boxes aren’t going anywhere, and there’s no set time for you to unpack. Enjoy yourself by going at your own pace.

roadway movers
With Roadway on your side, your move will be stress-free.

Final Note

Preparing children for moving can be difficult and requires time, especially if the move is long-distance or international. But the actual move should be seamless and stress-free. That is why it is important to hire reliable movers like movers Bronx, who put customer satisfaction before anything else. Visit Roadway Moving’s website and receive a free quote today.

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