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How to Pack and Move on Short Notice

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Moving is a complex process that requires timely planning and good organization. Ideally, you start planning your move at least six months before the planned move. However, life sometimes does not play according to our wishes, and situations happen where you have to pack and move on short notice. Then the most important thing is to stay calm so you don’t make a mistake. And of course, to provide yourself with the help of professionals. Get in touch with Roadway Moving NYC and they will make the moving process as easy as possible. In addition, there are a few other useful tips that can help you pack and move in no time.


Planning and organization are the keys

It is difficult to organize a successful move if you do not take care of the organization and planning of the move. When the move is on short notice, planning and organization become even more important. When you are well organized and have the help of local movers, everything becomes much easier. Because of the lack of time, it is much more important that everything goes smoothly according to plan. Put down on paper the most important things you have to do before moving day and going in order. If you stick to a plan, it will be much easier to pack up and move in no time.

People are smiling and holding boxes as they pack and move on short notice
If you hire reliable movers, they will gladly provide you with solid packing material.

A moving checklist can help you to pack and move on short notice

Since you don’t have much time for packing and moving, a moving checklist can be of great use to you. Divide tasks by importance and write them down on your list. In this way, you will easily track how far you have come with your obligations. And it will be a reminder not to forget anything important. Of course, you can also write less important things that you would not want to forget on the moving checklist. If it’s easier for you, you can also use one of the existing ultimate moving checklists and just adapt them to your needs. Because when you don’t have much time, it’s important to make every part of the move as easy and fast as possible.

Set a budget for the move

When you have a deadline for moving, your budget is probably not very big. But it is important to try to determine how much money you need for the move. Because when the move is in the short term, the costs are generally higher because you cannot get discounts from long-distance movers for early scheduling. Include all mandatory moving expenses as well as your living expenses. In addition, leave more money aside for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies. Of course, you can do part of the work yourself if you’re handy, but it’s always better to plan the budget well.

Ask for help – understand that you can’t do everything by yourself

Many people like to complete their tasks themselves. So they behave the same way when it comes to moving. It can be very difficult, and especially unpractical because moving requires a lot of work. And if it’s a short-term move, it might be impossible. So, accept the fact that you won’t be able to do everything by yourself and ask for help with the move.

Movers pack and move short notice
Ask friends and family for help with packing when you’re moving on short notice.

Delegate some of the work to family and friends

They say that the most successful people are those who learn to distribute the work. Be like them and delegate some of your responsibilities to family and friends. Call them to help you pack and move in no time. Give everyone a part of the duties that you don’t have to do yourself. Let them pack your books or some things that you don’t necessarily pack on your own. Have them babysit the kids or make lunch so you can finish the responsibilities that depend on you. Or to help you in any way before the international movers NYC arrive.

Hire an experienced moving company to help you out

An important step for successful packing and organizing a move in a short period is hiring reliable movers. You need experienced movers like white glove movers. Who will know how to quickly and efficiently organize tasks related to your move. So research the companies and choose the ones that meet all your moving needs. Skilled workers will know the best ways to move you quickly and reduce stress.

Pack smart

Packing is a process that requires a lot of time but also dedication and dexterity. You need to think smart to make the packing process easier for yourself. Try to limit yourself well because you don’t have much time to pack. Find a packing system that will allow you to pack quickly and unpack just as well. Here are a few things besides a comprehensive packing guide that can help you to pack easier on short notice.

  1. Reduce the amount of stuff you pack
  2. Inventory list
  3. Provide reliable packaging material
  4. Mark all boxes

The woman is packing things
Be careful when packing for a short-term move.

Reduce the number of things

This is one of the things you should do as soon as you find out you’re moving. You probably have at least some things in your house that you don’t use anymore. Something you keep for purely sentimental reasons or because you didn’t have time to deal with cleaning. Now that moment has come when you have to put away everything you don’t need. Because why would you spend time packing and moving things that you don’t need in a short time. And besides, you spend money to pay for the move. That is why it is most useful to declutter your house. Divide things into three piles – to throw away, pass on, and donate.

To throw away – get rid of all things that are broken, damaged, or no longer usable. No need to keep old decorations or a broken lamp. Simply throw it away without any remorse.

To pass on – you must have heard the saying at least once – one man’s trash is another’s treasure. It can be the same with your things. You probably have some things that you don’t use or wear that your friends or family like. Collect those things in one pile and offer dear people to choose if they want something.

To donate – all things that can still be used and that you don’t need, donate to charity. You can take them to a nearby church, humanitarian center or someone you know is in need. In addition to getting rid of unnecessary things, you will do a good deed and help someone.

Make an inventory list

It’s not easy to pack up and move on short notice. And it’s especially hard when you don’t even know what you have. Make it easy on yourself and the moving company and make a list of the things you will be moving. That way, you will be able to organize the packing of your things more easily. But also to know how much your move will cost.

Provide reliable packing material for packing your belonging

Now that you have less stuff, you can roughly estimate how much packing material you need. You will need boxes of various sizes, adhesive tape, bubble wraps, foils for furniture, marker, stickers, and a few more. If you ask for packing services NYC, they will provide the material. And that will make packing much easier for you. If you want to pack your belongings safely and move them to a new location in a short time, the reliable packing material is of crucial importance.


Furniture packed in bubble wrap
Leave the packing of heavy and bulky furniture to experienced furniture movers.

Mark boxes

When you’re packing for a short-term move, you don’t have much time to pack. That’s why it’s important to come up with a system that suits you best so that the most necessary things are always within reach. You don’t want to pack everything into boxes and not be able to find anything later. So organize your packing in some logical order. Pack things you don’t use every day first. After that, pack the most important ones as well. You can group them by room or by importance, or in some third way that suits you. And finally, be sure to mark all the boxes. Write down on the box what is inside and which room it should go to – eg cups and kitchen.

Do not try to pack and move the furniture yourself on short notice

Packing and moving furniture is not an easy job. You must make sure that each part is properly packed and protected. And then you need to find suitable vans that can transport them. Not to mention large pieces of furniture, which are bulky and heavy. Then it is simply easier to call NYC commercial movers to move your furniture. They will bring everything necessary for your furniture to be moved without damage. They will take apart large and heavy pieces of furniture. Pack and protect each part. And if you wish, they can be assembled again in the new home. You will reduce the possibility that your belongings will be damaged, but also that you will injure yourself while trying to pack them. Don’t think too much, but leave the moving of large furniture to the professionals.

A box of belongings and a picture packed for the move.
Consider putting some of your belongings in storage.

Pack the essentials bag and box

Depending on how far you are moving, packing and moving in a short period require special preparation. Because of the trip, you must always have the necessary things with you. And when you arrive at your new house, you must know where your basic first aid items are. If you are moving with family and pets this is even more important. That’s why it’s a good idea to pack an essential bag. In it, pack the most necessary things for all members for the moving trip- documents, medicines, drinks and food, spare clothes, favorite toys for children and pets, things for basic hygiene, phone, laptop/tablet, and everything you think you need during the move.

An essential box will be a great help when you have to pack and move on short notice

In addition, prepare an essentials box that you will also carry with you when moving. It should contain the things you need for the first day in the house. This way you will avoid the stress of searching for things as soon as you arrive at the house. Or if the movers are late with your things, you will have all the necessary things. Pack in an essentials box – bedding for everyone, extra spare clothes, personal hygiene items, toilet paper, towels for all household members, basic cutlery, and anything else you think you might need before unpacking.

The movers are standing in a truck will be happy to pack and move you ion short notice.
Hardworking movers can help you pack and move on short notice

By renting storage space you will save time when you need to pack and move on short notice

Last but not least, consider renting storage space. This can come in handy when you need to pack and move on short notice. Because there is always a certain part of things that you would not get rid of, but still you are not sure what to do with them. You may not even have enough room in your new home for all the stuff. Or you can simply store things you don’t use throughout the year, such as Christmas or Halloween decorations, and summer and ski accessories.

You can pack all your things and place them in the storage units until you decide what to do with them. It will save you time and money. You will pay for the move cheaper because you will save part of your things in the storage room. And during that time, you will be sure that your belongings are in a safe and secure place.

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