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Get to Know Yorkville NYC Before Moving Here

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Finding a perfect neighborhood to settle in in NYC is both difficult and easy, depending on who you ask. Some find their piece of heaven right away, while others have to go through a couple of different neighborhoods until they find the perfect one. That said, there are some that offer everything one might need for a pretty comfortable life. Yorkville is one such neighborhood and it managed to fly under the radar for most of its history. Why do we think that it’s such a great place to live? Well once you get to know Yorkville NYC you’ll quickly realize that, even though it’s part of one of the most desirable neighborhoods, The Upper East Side, it offers quiet living at an affordable price. There are many reasons why it hasn’t exploded in popularity like some of the adjacent neighborhoods, and it all has to do with connectivity. But now, with the extension of the Q line, this neighborhood is quickly becoming an epicenter of a construction and business boom.


The history of beautiful Yorkville NYC

Like most of Manhattan, Yorkville was a woodland area before the colonization. During the Revolutionary War, in 1776, George Washington stationed half of his continental army in Manhattan, and many of his troops were holding defensive positions in Yorkville.

Fast forward to 1815, the entire Upper East Side was transformed into a farmland and market garden district. With the opening of the New York and Harlem Railroad, a small hamlet emerged near the 86th station. Over the next century it would slowly turn into the Yorkville neighborhood we all know and love today.

street in Yorkville that you will get to know
The history of Yorkville NYC is rich and interesting

During the second half of the 19th century, Yorkville was home to German and Irish immigrants and continue its development into a true NYC neighborhood. During this time trams were added alongside the Second and Third Avenues which greatly improved the connectivity of Yorkville to the rest of Manhattan.

After the Civil War, the neighborhood gained popularity and the slums were slowly replaced by beautiful mansions. Even to this day, the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, Gracie Mansion, is located in Yorkville. As New York City grew, so did Yorkville.

Where is Yorkville located?

Yorkville is not a popular neighborhood as Harlem, SoHo or some other well-known parts of NYC. Many people just know that it’s somewhere on the Upper East Side. But if you want to get to know Yorkville NYC before calling Manhattan residential movers to help you relocate, you need to know exactly where its boundaries are.

For starters, Yorkville is a four-avenue-wide neighborhood. It’s not the biggest or the most glamorous, but it embodies the NYC spirit. Yorkville is located from East 79th Street all the way up to 96th Street. It’s tucked away between Third Avenue and the Easy River. On its north, it’s bordered by East Harlem.

There’s a reason Yorkville flew under the radar for so long

Once upon a time, pre-2017 to be more precise, Yorkville NYC wasn’t a popular neighborhood. It was part of one of the most desirable parts of Manhattan and yet people avoided it. That was due to very poor connectivity to the rest of the city. Eastern Yorkville was so far from any subway connection that it was ranked among the places with the furthest walk to any subway station in all of Manhattan. So naturally, people avoided it. Real estate prices remained low and the neighborhood was largely underdeveloped.

Fast forward to today and you’ll see a completely different picture. It’s increasingly difficult to find Yorkville movers that are available on weekends. With so many new constructions going on and people moving in, it’s rapidly becoming one of the top places in NYC.

Get to know Yorkville NYC today and you’ll quickly fall in love with it

Yorkville has a great history stretching back for centuries. It has been an integral part of New York City for a long time. But what about today? What makes it so great that moving companies Manhattan have their hands full with people moving there?

woman packing for relocation
Before you start packing -learn more about Yorkville NYC

Today, the population of Yorkville is around 78,000 with more and more people moving in every day. It’s filled with buildings of all types. New construction sides are popping up on every corner. It’s mainly due to the subway line reaching the neighborhood. With the addition of the Q train, everything changed. Now, the neighborhood is not just loved by its residents, but it’s also a premium destination for many.

Commuting from Yorkville NYC is comfortable and quick

While once the commute time was the main reason people avoided this neighborhood, today Yorkville is one of the most desirable places in NYC because of its great connection to the rest of Manhattan. So if you are relocating for a job, you’ve got many transport options:

  • One of the best commute options is certainly the Q train. With the addition of several stations along Second Avenue, it’s now closer than ever to the rest of Manhattan. Now it takes around 15 minutes to get to Times Square from 96th street. Likewise, it will take you around 30 minutes to reach the Financial District.
  • If you really want to get to know Yorkville NYC you might consider taking the M31 bus that runs along York Avenue. It will take you around 25 minutes from East 92nd Street to Midtown East.
  • If you truly want to enjoy the scenery while going to work you should definitely take the NYC Ferry. It will take you from East 90th street all the way to the pier at 34th Street in just under 15 minutes. But what’s more impressive is that it passes next to Roosevelt Island, the United Nations, and the Crysler Building along the way.

What type of home can you expect to buy or rent after moving to Yorkville NYC?

As already mentioned, Yorkville has a long history. It was home to lower to middle-class cities but also to extravagant mansions. So today, you can find great diversity in Yorkville housing. You can find everything, from pre-war luxury condos to townhouses and walkup buildings. It’s both great if you are moving there alone as well as if you are moving with your family. But one thing that is important to note is that real estate prices are rapidly going up.

people ready to move and get to know Yorkville NYC
Yorkville has changed a lot and now it is a unique and diverse place

With the addition of the subway line, especially old townhouses and pre-war co-ops started fetching premiums. Especially if they are close the Carl Schurz Park, the largest one in Yorkville. There are also plenty of new developments aimed at premium buyers.

Another upside of this neighborhood is that due to the zoning laws most buildings go up to the 5th or 6th floor. It makes life more comfortable and the neighborhood less crowded.

Real estate prices have gone up in the past few years

With both the building boom and the exploding popularity of Yorkville NYC, the real estate prices have naturally gone up. Only in the past year, home values have increased up to 20%. Compared to 2017, when the Q line reached the neighborhood, the prices increased more than 50%. Today, a typical middle-price tier home is valued at around $350,000 according to Zillow. It still was below the NYC average.

If you truly want to get to know Yorkville NYC, move there and enjoy life, there’s no time like the present. Home prices will continue to rise in the future and every minute that you wait means that you’ll be paying more for your home.

Likewise, if you are looking to invest in real estate, there’s no place like Yorkville. It’s exploding in popularity and it’s the place to invest in.

Get to know Yorkville NYC and its many parks and green spaces

If you are looking for a green neighborhood, then there are few better than Yorkville. It’s one of the greenest parts of the city with almost 2,000 trees. It’s also home to many parks and green spaces.

  • Ruppert Park is located on 90th Street and Second Avenue. It features a playground as well as spray showers in the summer. Of course, you’ll find many benches where you can enjoy a sunny day.
  • If you would head east, you’ll get to the Asphalt Green Upper East Side Campus, a major athletic center. It’s located at 90th Street and York Avenue and it features an Olympic-size swimming pool, a large turf field for recreational soccer and other sports, and a fitness center.
  • If you continue south following the East River Walk, you’ll go right past Gracie Mansion, the official home of the NYC mayor. Right after it you’ll get to Car Schurz Park. It’s one of the gems of this neighborhood. With a beautiful view of the river, it features a playground and plenty of picnic spots from where you can easily see the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse.

What would you typically do after moving to Yorkville?

Residents say that one of the biggest attractions of Yorkville is that there are no big attractions. All the museums, designer shops of Madison Avenue and the overall hustle and bustles of the city are all comfortably far away. What you are left with is a peaceful and beautiful neighborhood. One where you won’t worry about the noise at night or crowds during the day. So if you are looking for a calm place in the middle of Manhattan, call your local movers New York today. Because this is just what you’ve been looking for.

street in NYC
Take a stroll around your new neighborhood and enjoy shops and green spaces

The main thing that you can do is just to walk around and get to know Yorkville NYC. You can eat out, visit local parks and simply enjoy the peace and quiet. The Second and First Avenues can get pretty busy, so if you ever miss the crowds you can walk there. But the rest of the neighborhood is quiet and calm.

What are the schools like in Yorkville NYC?

If you are moving with a family, you probably want to know what the schools are like in Yorkville. The neighborhood features two public schools:

  • 290 Manhattan New School ranked very highly. 90%of students met standards in English and 88% in math. That’s compared to NYC’s average of 46% and 47% respectively.
  • 151 Yorkville Community School opened in 2008 and also ranks highly with a bit lower scores of 65 percent and 66 percent respectively.
  • Yorkville also features two private schools, the Barely School and Chapin School. Both are girl schools.
  • There are also a few other public and private schools nearby.

Local love Yorkville NYC

If there’s one feature that you’ll notice once you get to know Yorkville NYC is that the locals simply love the neighborhood. There are some great reasons for it. Even before the Q line opened and propelled the neighborhood, it was a beautiful, green, and calm part of Manhattan. Today, with some of the most beautiful subway stations in all of NYC, this is the spot to be.

Whenever you talk to residents, you’ll hear them speak with excitement about the history and the future of the neighborhood. Many people who live there have moved back because there’s something about it that you’ll see only once you truly get to know Yorkville NYC.

Get to know Yorkville NYC and move sooner rather than later

It doesn’t matter if you are looking to move and rent, buy or simply invest. Yorkville is expanding, growing, and rising in popularity. So if you are thinking about it, make sure you call your favorite NYC moving company sooner rather than later. That’s because the prices are rising and as more people flock to Yorkville, it might just be out of your price range in a couple of years. 

With great connections to the rest of the city, calm streets, a very low crime rate, and beautiful parks, it’s a great place for both singles as well as families. The residents are welcoming and pleasant and there’s nothing better than a morning walk through the neighborhood. Even grocery shopping is said to be a great activity in Yorkville NYC. So hurry up and move. There’s no time like the present.


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