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How to Make a DIY Moving Survival Kit

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Moving can be very hard, especially if you are a first-time home mover. Ask anyone who has moved so far and they will tell you how hard and complex it can be. Picking up the best moving time, booking movers, getting packing material, and preparing. All this can be pretty exhausting. Then add going to work during moving preparations. All this can make you feel that you would rather give up. Luckily, there is no need for that. There are some very basic and simple tips and tricks to follow to make the move smooth. Finding reputable movers is one of the most important things to do. Then, you will need to put on paper all the activities you need to handle. Before you start with moving preparations, read this guide and learn to make a DIY Moving Survival Kit.


roadway moving truck
Contact your movers to help you with creating your moving plan

Before creating a DIY Moving Survival Kit

People who moved say that this period of life is one of the most stressful. Even if you make a firm plan and stick to it, something can easily come up. Therefore, you need to learn not to panic. Instead, you should calm down and focus. For example, when you start packing you may miss moving boxes of a certain type or size. Therefore, on the survival moving plan put that you need to get extra moving boxes just in case. Also, contact your movers for every piece of information that you need. If you need, your movers can create an entire moving plan for you. Remember that movers should have great customer service and meet your needs. Also, every moving company should provide a quote free of charge. In case you do not like the prices and services they offer, you can turn to another company.

Start with creating a kit

In the midst of moving, it’s difficult to remember to leave out certain supplies. Even if you have an idea what are the important things that you need, it is easy to remember something.

roadway mover on the job
You definitely need a moving survival kit!

You need to have a box with essential items as soon as the moving preparations start. This is something that you will use daily. On your moving checklist, there should be several important items you cannot imagine moving without. Also, remember that you need to keep this kit separately from all other items. Your movers can easily mix up boxes and also load this essential one on the truck. Here are some of the items you should include:

  • Items for personal hygiene such as liquid soap or a bar of soap,  toothbrushes, toothpaste
  • Toilet paper, soft tissues, wet tissues
  • Prepare several towels including paper towels
  • disinfecting wipes, hydrogen, and alcohol
  • sponges and trash bags

Preparing clothes and shoes

Depending on the season when you plan to move, it is also important to pack some extra clothes of different types. When moving during cold weather, you will need to have several layers of clothes to keep yourself warm. If you decide to move during spring or summer, it is necessary to have extra pairs of jeans, shorts, and several T-shirts. But just in case, before you pack all the jackets and take them to a storage unit, take one just in case for each family member. You never know when it can get cold. Regarding socks and underwear, we highly recommend that you prepare those for two weeks. Of course, since you will not have time to do the laundry, in case of emergency, you can go and do it in the closest local laundry room. When you make a DIY Moving Survival Kit, put comfortable shoes in it.

Chargers, gadgets, and other vital stuff

When moving, you need to take care of lots of things. Since you will be making several phone calls, make sure to have your phone charger in the moving kit.

 a DIY Moving Survival Kit
Put your chargers in a moving kit

You cannot afford that your battery dies on a moving date. Also, you should have your laptop and its charger in case you need to check emails or other business-related tasks. Things like box cutters, small scissors, and a utility knife should be an essential part of your move. Also, when it comes to packing, remember to keep some important tools for disassembling furniture. Even with professional packers, you should have a hammer and a screwdriver.  Now you might have the image that a survival kit should be the size of a room. But, basically, all these vital stuff should fit the size of the back of your car.

Make a DIY Moving Survival Kit and include some food

Apart from cleaning, clothes, and shoes, you will also need to eat and drink something on a moving day. You should not eat too much once the loading of the boxes starts. It will make you asleep and you need to help your movers. Therefore, you can buy some healthy snacks in a local store or make some easy and tasty recipes. Remember to pack bottles of water. Also, you need to prepare your medical record together with some medicines or supplements that you might take. In addition, prepare important documents and put them in your moving kit. Personal ID, contracts, insurance policies, passports., all this should find their place in this kit. Accidents are bound to happen. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have a first aid kit available during your move.

Moving is a serious procedure and you need to make a DIY Moving Survival Kit. This kit will literally help you survive the stress of the moving day. Think that this will not last forever and that you will definitely survive. Your greatest support apart from your family members should be your movers. They will make relocation easier for sure. What you need to pack are some clothes, shoes, important documents, medication, and some food and you are all good. Finally, you will need to put a separate label on this moving kit so movers do not mix things up. We wish you the best of luck with your move!

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