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Moving Tips for Senior Citizens and People With Disabilities

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Moving can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. Even when you are moving a single room worth of items, packing and transporting can take some doing. So when helping senior citizens and people with disabilities you need to be aware of all the hurdles that await them. Big changes can be a hard pill to swallow sometimes. So it will take some adjusting. But, with some preparation, a good moving plan, and quality NYC movers by your side, anything is possible. Here are some tips that will help you overcome most problems and make moving easier and even fun.

Plan ahead when helping senior citizens and people with disabilities move

One of the best pieces of advice that you will ever get, whenever moving, be it with senior citizens and people with disabilities or alone is to plan ahead. Preparation can make all the difference in relocation. So as the first order of business, make sure you look at the big picture first. 

  • View the situation from afar and try to identify all the possible problems that might arise during the move.
  • Identify essential items and those that could be secondary
  • Take a good look at local movers NYC and their offers and see if they have some ways of helping you. 
  • Inspect the new home and make sure it’s appropriate for its new residents

There’s a lot to be done and usually not plenty of time. So starting with preparation as soon as possible is advised.

Planning relocation in advance will make a difference when moving Senior Citizens and People With Disabilities

Creating a moving checklist will make moving much easier

Creating a moving checklist is always good advice. But when moving senior citizens and people with disabilities you need to pay special attention to it. That’s because our loved ones might have special requirements that need to be met. And in the chaos of a relocation, it’s not hard to overlook even crucial things. So, make sure that your moving checklist includes things like making a new home safer, checking for accessibility in the new building, and hiring specialists to make the home the home appropriate for people with disabilities. Then you can continue with regular check-boxes for packing and moving.

Don’t forget to update your Social Security Disability Insurance

While there will be no need to apply for SSDI again, you will need to notify them of the change of address. This is especially important when moving long-distance as some services might not be available at the destination. Some disability benefits might also be different in your new hometown. So, make sure you do some research ahead of time when moving with people with disabilities. Make sure you know how to access the needed services that are available at your destination. 

You can apply for financial aid when moving with people with disabilities

People with disabilities will need more assistance during the move. While you can provide most of the help, there might be some special circumstances that require paid professionals. In those cases, you can apply for financial aid. There are numerous organizations that are there to help, like The National Institute on Disability, AUCD as well as ADAPT. Those organizations can provide you with the necessary funds to organize a relocation for those with special needs. The important thing to note is that before you contact them, make sure you have all the facts. So list everything that you’ll need for relocation, from movers and packers NYC to home adaptation. Then once you get in touch with them, they will inform you with which items they will be able to help you.

Two women going through Moving Tips for Senior Citizens and People With Disabilities
You can apply for financial aid

Make sure you hire reputable movers when helping senior citizens and people with disabilities move

Moving is a big task. A lot can go wrong. And when senior citizens and people with disabilities move, there’s little room for error. A few missing items can make a huge difference. So it’s important to only hire reputable residential movers in NYC to assist you. This is a situation when compromising simply isn’t worth it. 

Make sure you give movers all the facts

When contacting a moving company make sure to note that you are moving with senior citizens or people with disabilities. Ask the moving company whether they can help you with certain aspects of the relocation that you identified as problematic. Likewise, if there is some special equipment, make sure you stress that when applying for a free moving estimate. It will allow the moving company to better plan your relocation as well as provide you with a more accurate quote. Moving companies are usually quite versatile and will be able to assist you with a wide range of services

Make sure you get a new home needed accessibility upgrades

First and foremost, make sure that you inspect the new home for its accessibility. While the building might have a ramp, the entrance door might have a big door footer which will prevent wheelchair access. It’s the little things that matter. Likewise, make sure to make a list of nearby health centers as well as map out nearby transportation. Senior citizens also need to have easy access to local parks or senior clubs. So make sure to scout for those. But go even a little bit beyond that. Make sure that they can do tasks like grocery shopping without putting themselves in danger of overexerting themselves.

old lady spreading her hands outdoors
Make sure that senior people can have fun once the relocation is done

Helping senior citizens and people with disabilities move requires patience

It’s important to arm yourself with patience. This relocation is going to take some doing. Even with high-quality long-distance movers in NYC, you’ll still need to do a lot. Senior citizens and people with disabilities might require special attention in many aspects of their relocation. So make sure you have plenty of time and energy for it.

Senior citizens and people with disabilities need to know what’s ahead

Relocation takes a lot of energy, even if you have professionals doing everything for you. It’s a big change. Getting used to the new surroundings will take time. So make sure you explain that to your loved ones. Likewise, if you are a senior citizen or a person with disabilities make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Don’t go over your limits. It’s better to take things a little bit slower than risk injury. Things might be hard at first as you need to get to know your new neighborhood. Don’t shy away from asking for help. With some assistance and patience, you’ll quickly grow to love your new home. 

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