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10 Reasons to Move to Soho NYC

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.Whether you are looking to relocate your entire household or office space, Soho is one of the best places to live in NYC. However, before relocating anywhere, you need to make sure that you have found the perfect place for you. It is a major life decision, and you should treat it as such and approach it with devotion. Just like searching for a perfect house, you need to search for the perfect neighborhood. And once you make sure you have found the neighborhood of your dreams, Roadway Moving professionals will be there to help you transport your belongings and anything else you may need. And in order to help you with your search, we have selected 10 reasons to move to Soho NYC.


a pink moving truck
If you are looking for a new home, our 10 reasons to move to Soho NYC might help you choose.

How to look for a perfect neighborhood

Just like you would be searching for Soho movers with the help of your computer, you can research neighborhoods online as well. However, it’s important that you don’t search randomly. You need to have an approach, or else the search can take forever. When looking for a perfect neighborhood to move into, you will need to think about what you personally want that area to have. It will be your surroundings probably for many years to come, so you need to make sure that it has everything you need. A good idea would be to make a list of things that you want your neighborhood to be, or to have. For example, your list may look something like this:

  • Safety – this may as well be your top priority and one of the strongest reasons to move to Soho NYC
  • Educational system – if you are moving with your family and have school-age children, this factor may be important to you when searching for a perfect neighborhood
  • Job opportunities – for someone who is looking for a job, it would be best if there were many job possibilities within driving distance from your home
  • Cultural & recreational options – and if you are someone who enjoys culture and needs to be physically active, it’s best that you search for a home somewhere where you will be able to indulge in your favorite hobbies

movers packing up things
Before moving to a new neighborhood, make sure it has everything you need.

Why Soho may be the perfect New York City neighborhood for you and what are the reasons to move to Soho NYC

There are many reasons why finding a place in Soho might be a perfect solution if you want to change homes. However, you should always focus on your needs when looking for a new home. That’s why it might be the best idea to find out as much as you can about the area before moving there. After all, it’s better to know things in advance that to be unpleasantly surprised after you have already bought a home. So, if you are thinking about moving to Soho, here are some of the best reasons to move to Soho NYC.

1. Soho has a rich history

Whether you can believe it or not, Soho wasn’t always the center of art and creativity it is today. Back in the 1950s, this part of town was used for industrial purposes. This is why there are many buildings in what we now call cast-iron architecture style. This style was used as a decorative front over old industrial buildings and remains here to this day. That’s why these buildings were able to attract new clients. Those were mainly artists like Andy Warhol. If you associate big empty lofts with huge windows with ateliers, Soho’s artists from the 1960s and 1970s are to blame. They are the ones who created this artistic life dream. If you’ve always wanted to live as an artist, there’s nothing left to do but pack your bags as quickly as possible and find available movers.

2. One of the main reasons to move to Soho NYC is that it is the center of happenings

While it may sound like exaggerating when we say that Soho is the place where everything happens, it’s not far from the truth. Since Soho is located south of Huston Street in Manhattan, moving there guarantees that you will be living in the heart of New York City. The majority of events in the city happen right here, which means that you will always have something to do and to experience. It’s one of the main reasons people hire local movers New York to relocate here. Since this part of the city is integral to the culture of New York, it means you won’t miss a thing if you decide to move to Soho.

two moving truck
One of the main reasons people move to Soho is that it is the center of happenings in NYC.

3. Transportation

Whether you own a car or not, you won’t have to worry about transportation in Soho. This part of the city is extremely well-connected to New York City in general. There are bus lines, subway, and train lines to wherever you can imagine in NYC. And not only that, when it comes to strictly Soho, almost everything is a short ride away or even within walking distance.

4. There’s nothing better than shopping in Soho – one of the best reasons to move to Soho NYC

It’s hard to imagine having a list of reasons to move to Soho without sopping being on it. It is the most well-known feature of this town. While the artistic, bohemian vibe is what attracts people the most, shopping options are another aspect that Soho is famous for. Soho is the home of Broadway Street, which is not only famous for its theater but also for being one of the world’s centers of high-fashion shopping. All the top names in the fashion industry have stores open on Broadway and Soho. There you can find some of the world-famous names like Victoria’s Secret, Club Monaco, H&M, and many others.

people who found great reasons to move to Soho NYC
Great shopping options are something that attracts people from all over the world to Soho.

5. Safety and low crime rates are one of the many reasons to move to Soho NYC

If safety is one of the most important things you look for in a neighborhood, you are about to move to the perfect place. Soho is one of the safest parts of Manhattan. Of all the surrounding neighborhoods, Soho has the lowest crime rates. Both petty and violent crime rates are lower in Soho than anywhere else in NYC, so you can rest assured that you will be safe if you decide to move here. Since safety is always important, it may be a good enough reason to hire one of the moving companies Manhattan and start planning your relocation to Soho.

6. Educational System

If you are relocating to Soho with a family and you have school-age children, Soho is one of the best choices in NYC. Technically, none of the schools are in the district, but that’s not a problem since Soho is so very well connected to the rest of NYC. Many amazing public schools are just a close ride away. There will always be a fantastic option for your kids’ education if you decide to move to Soho. Furthermore, there are some top-notch universities in Soho, too. If you are a student or your children are students, there are amazing opportunities in the city.

a man holding a baby
If you are moving to Soho with children, know that there are many good schools to choose from nearby.

7. Living a high-end life is one of the reasons to move to Soho NYC

Relocating to Soho means that living costs are going to be higher than they used to be. Soho is one of the priciest neighborhoods since it’s essentially in the Heart of New York City. This means that your budget is highly likely to disappear quickly if you aren’t careful. That’s why it would be good to have a financial plan or a great job offer waiting for you in New York City. Make sure to have this aspect of living in Soho covered before you hire Manhattan residential movers to help you with your relocation there.

a boy on a couch
If you want to lead a luxurious lifestyle, then you should definitely consider moving to Soho.

8. The architecture of Soho

The architecture in Soho is truly unique. The iron-cast facades we mentioned, together with narrow walkways, give this neighborhood its charm. But while the overall appearance may be dream-like, the architecture, unfortunately, has its downsides. It may not sound bad to you if you don’t care about these things. However, we have to mention that the streets of Soho are very crowded. There’s also little parking space. Furthermore, the majority of buildings are luxurious co-ops or walk-ups. And the apartments may be somewhat smaller than you are used to, depending on where you live. That’s why it’s not recommended to move with a lot of belongings to Soho. Or if you do, consider hiring a moving company that also offers storage services.

9. Luxurious rental space is one of the reasons to move to Soho NYC

Since we mentioned that Soho is one of the most luxurious neighborhoods in New York City, you won’t be surprised to find out that the prices of rentals are very high. And due to recent events in the world, there was a 123% increase in rent prices compared to the previous year. That is, the average price of a 1-bedroom apartment in Soho is $7,500. However, if your budget won’t be majorly affected by this, you will surely be living in the most luxurious place in all of New York City.

a view of NYC
If you always wanted to live in an artistic loft with big windows, moving to Soho would be a dream come true!

10. A great variety of free time activities

Whether you are a person who enjoys spending their free time appreciating art and culture or indulging in sports and physical activity, Soho has you covered. There are many interesting and unusual museums you can visit if that is something you are interested in. In Soho NYC, you can find the New York City Fire Museum, Children’s Museum of the Arts, Museum of Chinese in America or the Leslie- Lohman Museum. Then, of course, there is Broadway. The most famous theatre in NYC attracted many enthusiasts throughout generations and continues to do so to this day. If you visit Broadway you can enjoy a wide variety of classic and modern dramas, as well as captivating musicals.

a box and a painting
Whether you are and art & museum lover or someone who enjoys relaxing activities, Soho has a lot to offer you.

However, when you want to take a break from the flashing events, Soho offers many relaxing options. The Maria Bonita Salon and Spa can offer you relaxing massages. Also, there are outstanding beauty treatments with cutting-edge technology apart from other services. If you are someone who enjoys fine dining, we recommend that you visit King Restaurant or Harney & Sons Fine Teas. And lastly, if you are new to the neighborhood we suggest you go on an organized walking tour through Soho. It’s a great way of getting to know your new surroundings and maybe meet some new people.

Reasons to move to Soho NYC – final thoughts

And the final questions after reading this article are, are these reasons to move to Soho NYC good enough? And also, is moving to Soho worth it? Well, if you can afford it, then it’s a definite yes. The overall impression of Soho is fantastic. After all, it’s the cultural capital of New York City. Furthermore, it’s safe, has low crime rates, and a robust educational system. All of these make excellent reasons to move to Soho NYC. And if you take them all into account, we advise that you, without further ado, contact available movers and start packing your bags.


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