A 7-Step Packing Timeline Before Relocation

Time management skills are critical for every job, particularly in the moving industry. Finding a reliable moving company will save you a lot of time and energy, however, your job is not done there. Most people prefer to pack up their stuff themselves. Only, a lot of us only realize how much stuff we have accumulated once we start packing. If you procrastinate too much, the last few days before your move will be complete mayhem. On the other hand, if you pack too much too early, you’ll find yourself sifting among moving boxes to locate an item you need. So, to prevent such aggravating scenarios, you must know what to pack while moving and follow an effective packing timeline before relocation.
An ideal approach to packing
The ideal approach is to construct a step-by-step packing timetable, which is a customized packing schedule that covers all of the packing chores you need to do before relocating, as well as deadlines for completion. A well-organized moving packing timetable can keep you on track throughout the relocation process and guarantee that you’re entirely prepared for your big adventure on moving day. Roadway moving NYC is here to help you with all moving-related tasks. Thus, we have created an elaborate packing timeline before relocation. We hope you’ll get good use out of it.
Step 1: Sorting your belongings – 7 weeks before moving
As soon as you find out that you will definitely be moving, you’ll need to start sorting through your stuff and determine which ones to bring to your new house. Ideally, this should be done about 2 months in advance. If you’re packing up your whole household. While you are going through the house and looking at what you need to bring and what to throw out, start making an inventory list as well. This will come in handy when you start looking for moving companies and comparing quotes. Once you’ve made a list of everything you’ll be bringing with you to your new residence, decide what to do with the remainder of your belongings. You can sell them, give them away or throw out what you don’t need anymore.
Step 2: Creating a packing calendar – 6 weeks before moving
Once you’ve sorted your belongings a little, and you’ve got your inventory list, it would be a good idea to have a packing calendar. Remember, the goal is not to leave everything for the last day. Keep your packing schedule on your phone or write it down on a piece of paper and put it up on the wall. Start with one area at a time. Make it your goal to dedicate about half an hour out of your day to pack up.
Step 3: Gathering packing materials – 5 weeks before moving
In your first week of moving prep, you should also start thinking about where you’re going to get your packing materials and which ones to use. You can’t begin packing for a move until you have enough packing materials. You may not know exactly how much and what kind of packing supplies you will require until you have assessed and sorted out your belongings, but you can start with the basics: clean and sturdy cardboard boxes of various sizes. Don’t underestimate the importance of quality moving equipment. When you start with the packing process, you will know exactly how much cushioning and packing tape you will need. And if you’ll need any additional boxes.
Step 4: Start packing your non-essentials – 4 weeks before moving
Start with those rooms you don’t use very often. Like the attic and basement. Box up your non-essential stuff first like holiday decorations or out-of-season clothes and extra supplies. Prepack all of your collectibles, memorabilia, and stuff you know you won’t need in the next few weeks. Make sure to adequately prep and pack any antiques you may have to insure their safety on moving day. Feel free to ask your movers for advice.
Step 5: Pack up everything you can get by without until your moving day – 3 weeks before moving
Now you can start thinking about packing your kitchenware, like that set of plates you won’t be using any time soon and any extra pots and pans. Leave a few pans, plates, and cups you use the most often and pack up all the rest. Have everything you need for the next few weeks in one cabinet for easier organization. You should also pack up your jewelry, games, toys, clothes you won’t be wearing and most of the stuff you won’t need soon.
Step 6: Pack up the last of your items – a few days before moving
A few days before the move is where our packing services NYC come in. This is the time to start carefully packing and protecting your electronics, big furniture pieces, and all of the stuff you can’t just pick up alone. Your movers will come with all of the equipment needed and pack up all of your furnishings so you can have everything set up for the big day.
Step 7: One final check on the big day
When your residential movers New York start loading the truck, you should be there and supervise them. Make sure to have one last tour of the house. And check every corner of the house. Just in case. Most times, people find something else in there they forgot to bring. Check your essentials bag and see if your medical records are there, and your passport, important documents, phone charger, and everything else you’ll need for the moving day. If you’ve followed this packing timeline before relocation and managed to do everything in time, all that’s left is for us to wish you a happy relocation and all the best in your new home.