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Key Things To Know Before Moving To Brownsville

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Deciding to relocate your entire household can definitely be life-changing. It’s a decision that shouldn’t be made in a haste. That’s why before moving to Brownsville, you need to make sure that it’s the perfect neighborhood in New York City for you. In a city that has over 300 neighborhoods, that can be quite challenging. It might be easier if you decided in which of the 5 boroughs you may want to find a home for yourself. You can choose between Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. While Manhattan is certainly the most famous one, Brooklyn is slowly gaining the attention it deserves. Professionals from Roadway Moving testify that more and more people are moving to Brooklyn each year. So, if you decide to move to Brownsville, this article is for you. We are going to cover some of the key things to know before moving there.


NYC at night
Make sure you carefully choose your next hometown and take into consideration the qualities you are looking for!

Finding out more about your future neighborhood is essential

Wherever may you be moving, it’s essential that you get to know the place first. Doing online research can greatly help you with this. If you are moving to Brooklyn, you should know that it’s the most populated borough in NYC. Over 2,5 million people call Brooklyn home. And these homes are distributed through 77 neighborhoods. While Brooklyn may be one of the best places to live in, life in its neighborhoods can significantly vary. Therefore, when searching for a neighborhood to move to with residential movers Brooklyn, you may want to take into consideration things like:

  • Affordability – whether you are looking to buy or rent a property, affordability is one of the essential factors to consider when moving.
  • Safety – if you are moving to Brownsville with a family, this might be an important factor to consider.
  • Transportation – many who don’t own a vehicle rely on public transportation. That’s why it might be important that your neighborhood is well connected.
  • Job options – if you are in need of a job, it’s best to look for a neighborhood that can offer you various possibilities.

Is moving to Brownsville a good idea?

It’s true that this part of Brooklyn has developed a bad reputation over the years. Safety was one of the major problems, but luckily, the crime rates are now dropping. However, the reputation of Brownsville is slowly changing now, and there are many reasons to consider moving to here with movers Brownsville NY. This neighborhood has almost 60,000 residents, which makes it one of the most populated in Brooklyn. Before the 1950s there were mostly Jewish people living here. However, in the 1960s, the population shifted from Jewish to African-American people. To this day, African-American residents remain dominant in Brownsville with over 70% of the population. Hispanic residents come in second place with around 20% of the population. Brownsville is quite a diverse neighborhood with many people with different backgrounds.

a parked truck
Moving to Brownsville would make you one of its 60,000 residents in a diverse neighborhood.

The benefits of moving to Brownsville

A neighborhood that is so vastly populated must have great benefits which make them stay here. And it certainly does. One of the greatest advantages of living in Brownsville is affordability. It’s one of the main reasons why local movers Brooklyn are so busy relocating people here. The median rent price for a single-room apartment is $970. Compared to Brooklyn’s average price of $2500, you can say that that’s quite affordable. If you are in a temporary financial crisis, this may be the perfect neighborhood for you.

people holding moving boxes
There are many benefits to moving to Brownsville and affordable real estate is one of the best ones.

Another benefit is the well-connected public transport. There are many direct buses and trains to other parts of New York City, which is excellent if you have a job outside of Brooklyn. The average commute by bus is around 90 minutes while traveling by train will take only 45 minutes. And if you are an active person who loves sports, Brownsville Recreation Center can offer you sports fields, parks, and an indoor swimming pool.

How to prepare for moving to Brownsville

If you have decided you are going to move to Brownsville, there are a few things you need to take into consideration first. Whether you are relocating by yourself or with your entire family, moving can be a very stressful process. This is why the key to a successful relocation is preparation. Many details are involved in the moving process and taking care of them can become overwhelming. That’s why it’s best to choose professional companies for moving and storage Brooklyn that can help you with everything.

two moving trucks
The key to any successful relocation is preparing everything in advance. So, make sure you make a moving checklist with all the tasks you need to get done.

Make sure you don’t forget something important

The best way to start preparing for a move is to make a moving checklist. Take a few minutes to brainstorm and write down everything know you need to do before moving. If you do so, you will make sure that you don’t forget to do anything important. Also, you can better arrange when you will do each task. Some of the tasks you can write down are, for example: hiring a moving company, preparing your things for the move, and getting moving supplies and packing.

a woman packing for moving to Brownsville
If you want to have a smooth and stress free move, you might want to consider making a checklist with all the tasks that need to be done.

It would be best if you can keep everything moving-related in one place. You can, for example, make a folder on your computer where you will keep all the necessary documents, the contact information of the people involved in your moving process, plans, ideas, and so on. You won’t waste time searching for something if you keep it in one folder.

Plan your moving budget

First things first, you need to plan your moving budget before doing anything else. You need to make sure how much money you have at your disposal, and how much you can afford to spend on moving. By doing this you will have a clear picture of what you can afford and what you cannot. Keep in mind that you will need to leave some cash on the side for rent, packing supplies and other moving necessities. The moving company won’t be your only expense. Therefore, it would be best if you could consult with a professional about this. If you have an accountant, it’s the perfect time to give them a call. They would be the most capable person to advise you on how much money you need for your move.

Hiring a professional moving company to help with your relocation

The task of hiring a professional moving company is the most important one. Your entire moving experience will depend on it. That’s why you shouldn’t approach it lightly. Take extra time when searching for available moving companies to ensure you pick one that is trustworthy, professional, and experienced. Otherwise, you may become a victim of fraud, and that’s the last thing you want. The first piece of advice we can offer you is to search for movers who are experienced in the moving field you need. For example, if you are relocating your household, you will want to make sure that you choose movers who have experience in residential moving. Nobody will help you better than a team of experts who are trained in handling the particular moving process you are looking for.

a hand holding a blue heart advert
Hiring a moving company is the most important task in any move. So make sure to select someone trustworthy, professional, and with a lot of experience and satisfied customers.

How to select the right moving company for moving to Brownsville

In order to make sure you avoid fraudulent movers and hire the ones that are the most professional and trustworthy, ensure you do the following things. When searching for available moving companies, don’t just hire the first ones you come across. Take the time to find proof of their credibility. The best way to do so is to read the customer reviews. Nothing can tell you more about a business than the way they treat their customers. If the moving company you think of hiring does bad business, you will surely find out about it on the Internet. And that will save you a lot of nerves and money in the future.

Make sure you research multiple companies in order to find the best one for you

When it comes to searching for moving companies to help you relocate, we always advise getting estimates from at least three companies. Keep in mind that these estimates should be done for free. This means that these companies will send professionals to your door in order to evaluate certain factors that will affect the cost of your move. Those can be the amount and size of your things, the access to your home, etc. After that, they will provide you with an optimal cost of moving. This is great, since that way you can compare moving prices and choose the best one for you. However, be careful if the price is too low or too high. That can be a sign that you are dealing with scammers who just want to take your money.

a purple moving truck
If you want to find the best moving company to help you with moving to Brownsville, we suggest getting moving estimates from at least three companies.

Ask your moving company for additional services

Another great way to find out if a moving company is legit is to ask them for additional moving services. Besides the basic services of loading, transporting, and unloading, a moving company should offer additional services. Those services are usually, packing and storage services, furniture assembly and unpacking, as well as the all-inclusive luxury white glove service. If your moving budget allows it, we advise you to take one or more of these services. Professionals can take the load off your shoulders and make your relocation experience much more stress-free.

a moving box
Make sure you ask your moving company for additional services like packing, unpacking, storage, or furniture assembly.

Preparing your possessions for the move when you’re moving to Brownsville

When it comes to preparing your belonging for the move, the first thing you should decide is which items you are going to keep and bring to the new home, and which items you should get rid of before moving. If you have been living in one place for a long time, you may find your home cluttered. And the more people live in it, the more stuff there is. That’s why one of the first things you should do is declutter your home. You certainly don’t want to bring all the unnecessary things that pile up over the years and clutter your new home right away.

Decluttering your home before moving to Brownsville

Usually, the most cluttered spaces in any home are the closets and the garage. You may want to start there with your decluttering. It might be a bit overwhelming seeing the number of things that piled up over the years. But not to worry, you can manage everything by creating a simple organizing system. The best way to declutter things is to organize them into piles when you take them out. We suggest forming three piles: the pile of things to throw away, to donate or sell, and to take with you. It’s the simplest, yet most efficient way of organizing. However, it’s important to be rational when doing this. You may come across things that have sentimental value, but keep in mind that you should throw away anything that can no longer be used or if it’s broken beyond repair. Moving is the time to let go of everything that’s not necessary.

a painting and a box
Make sure you declutter your home before the move and get rid of extra items by throwing them away, selling, donating or putting them in storage.

Selling or donating your belongings

When you get rid of the first pile of things you decluttered, it’s time to move on to the second. Those would be the things that can still be of some use, but you no longer need them. For example, you have grown children that surely don’t use their old baby clothes and toys anymore. You have three options here. The first one is to donate those items to the Red Cross or another charity near to you. That way, you can help someone in need and declutter your home at the same time.

The second option might be fun, but it requires that you dedicate some time to it. For example, to get rid of the things you no longer need, you can have a yard sale. It’s a great way to declutter and make some extra cash on the side. That way, you can use it to maybe hire an additional moving service so you don’t have to do everything by yourself. And lastly, if you simply cannot decide whether you are going to keep or get rid of some of the items, the best thing you can do is to put them into storage for safekeeping. Professionals will make sure that your belongings are safe and undamaged before you come to pick them up.

Make an inventory list of the items

As for the items you have selected to bring with you when moving, you will need to have some sort of catalog of them. That’s why you should make an inventory list. You may think it’s a waste of time, but having a list of all of your possessions can be quite useful. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to write down every single item you own, no. Making a catalogue can be as simple as taking out your phone and snapping some picture. That’s even better than a list. Because this way you will have a proof of the condition your items were in before transportation. This can come quite in handy if something should happen to your belongings and they get damaged. It will be much easier to claim insurance if you can prove that your belongings weren’t damaged before transport.

Getting supplies and packing for moving to Brownsville

Once you have narrowed down your possessions to the ones that you are going to bring with you to your new home, it’s time to prepare them for packing. If you didn’t want to hire the packing service from your moving company, or if your budget didn’t allow you to, it means that you will have to take care of this task by yourself. Hence, it’s best to start with collecting moving supplies. Nowadays, you can find everything you need for the move online. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to buy everything. Think outside of the box, and you will definitely save some money. For example, you can ask your supermarket if they can spare some cardboard boxes. They would have thrown them out anyway.

a cardboard box
When getting moving supplies, make sure you stick to the essentials like cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and packing paper.

Stick to the essentials

When it comes to collecting moving supplies, it’s best that you keep it simple. Stick to the essential supplies that you will most definitely need. Those would be:

  • Cardboard boxes – you should get as many as you can. Try to collect them in different sizes since you will probably pack everything inside boxes.
  • Bubble wrap – is extremely good to have for packing breakable items. It can cushion the item more than any other packing supply.
  • Packing paper – using packing paper will protect any item from small damages. It’s great to use if you are packing clothes and shoes together so nothing gets dirty.
  • Other important supplies – scissors, markers, and duct tape are also essential supplies, but you don’t need to buy them since almost everyone has some of these lying around the house.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that different items may require different packaging. When it comes to packing fragile and breakable items, it’s best to keep them in their original packaging. If that’s not possible, then you want to make sure you cushion them as much as you can to avoid any damage.

Packing and getting ready for moving to Brownsville

The final step after getting the moving supplies is using them to pack. Now, you will first want to arrange your belongings by category. First, you can divide them into piles such as electronics, clothes, kitchenware, etc. Also, you can divide them by room if that’s easier for you. For example, make a pile of things from the bedroom, living room, kitchen, etc. That will make it easier and faster to pack. Don’t forget to get your family involved. Everyone should step in and help since this is a huge task that can take up too much time. And if you are moving alone, call some friends to help you. And last but not least, don’t forget to label every box, especially the ones containing breakable items. Place that FRAGILE sticker wherever there is a need.

movers taking the boxes
Make sure you have everything packed and prepared before your movers arrive to take you to your new home.

Final thoughts

Hopefully, after reading this article, you will know what are the key things to know before moving to Brownsville. And whether you choose Brownsville as your home or someplace else, remember to follow the steps in this article in order to have a smooth and stress-free move. The key is to organize so you can get everything done in time and not get overwhelmed by the number of tasks and time moving requires. Keep that in mind. We wish you a good day and happy relocation.

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