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Moving From Long Island to Manhattan

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Relocation is the type of event that you plan for a long time and fear will everything go according to plan. For some people obstacle is choosing the location, for other packing and other moving tasks. A lot depends on your household, budget, and distance. Some short relocations like moving from Long Island to Manhattan may seem super easy to carry out, but actually need the same amount of planning. If you think that time has come for you to move, you should set some things straight and start preparing yourself and your household. Since professional help is always welcome in situations like these, here are the most important things you should know!


Moving from Long Island to Manhattan

With just 43 miles apart these two places are very close and you probably had a chance to visit Manhattan countless times. And while it can seem like they are pretty much the same, there are some differences that you can’t miss. A lot of people decide to move to Manhattan in recent years, mostly because of business and as it turns out, they make a good choice. Moving companies NYC are operating all the time and statistics show that there are countless relocations carried out daily. For your relocation, you must get ready for multitasking from the start and be ready to come up with some effective solutions when the time comes!

people crossing the street
When moving to a different place you should be ready for it, no matter how short the distance is!

From leaving Long Island to arriving in Manhattan, some of these tips will help you save money and time. Even if this is your first relocation, it doesn’t have to be a bad experience so don’t worry in advance. Have a planner book close to you and take a look at how to do it like a real professional! 

Leaving Long Island

With a population of around 55. 976 residents, Long Island is one of the best places to live in New York City. It is located in Queens County, one of the most popular once in the state and it carries a lot of tradition that is famous all around the world. Long Island offers many job opportunities that can help you build a very successful career or start your own business that will skyrocket in a very short period of time. But sometimes that is not enough and certain things will make us look for a better place.

Moving from Long Island to Manhattan should begin with focusing on your household and the area. Before you go through details with Long Island City movers you also must:

  • Inform your employer
  • Deal with mail and utilities
  • Visit your new home
  • Prepare for packing

Informing your employer

People around you should know about your relocation on time. This includes friends, family, and of course your employer and company. The main reason is that you can get a remote-working offer. Moving from Long Island to Manhattan doesn’t mean you are going too far, so make sure your boss knows about this. If that is not possible due to the company’s policy, letting them know will be useful for all of you. Your employer will be able to find a replacement and you will have enough time to look for something better.

Dealing with mail and utilities before moving

If you are still receiving your mail at the doorstep and not on your personal online account, it is better you deal with this while still in your old home. Once you arrive in Manhattan there will be a lot of things to do and you may start postponing an otherwise very simple task. This process will take a maximum of one hour, and all your mail and subscription will arrive at the new address. Focusing on small tasks like this is important even if you are getting ready for a last-minute move because some of them can cause bigger issues later.

movers unloading the truck
If you don’t have enough experience, let the professional movers help you out!

Visit your new home

Another thing that you must have in mind is your new home. It is completely normal that all your attention is centered on your old place but one in Manhattan will need some of it as well. Your main goal should be arriving at a place that is ready for unpacking and setting everything up. If there are some renovation works pending, make sure everything is finished by the time relocation begins. Residential moving companies cover distances this short quickly so there will be no time to waste. 

Prepare for packing

No matter where you decide to move, packing is usually the most annoying and time-consuming process. The same goes out for this relocation and it will all depend on your household. If it’s extremely big, you better start on time. You will need to organize your inventory, clean certain areas along the way, and think about where to place items you no longer need. There are a couple of ways to make packing easier and you should try at least one of them. 

The best and quickest is hiring movers who will provide packing services NYC. Since they are professionals, they will do it faster and will use the proper packing materials. As a result, you will save money and lots of time. 

Another option is to do it on your own. You should start as soon as possible and have a packing plan ready. Try to pack one room at a time as this method usually works the best. In case this is your first time but you still wish to give it a go, you will need a comprehensive packing guide. Keep calm even if things get difficult or simply ask movers for help if you can’t find a solution on time.

woman holding her dog
No one knows your household better and you will be able to organize it no time!

Things to do on the moving-out day

Before arriving in Manhattan you must be ready for the most important day of this event. Moving-out day only sounds scary, as most of the time, it is over before you know it. This is especially important when moving from Long Island to Manhattan as the car ride is around 30 minutes. One of the moving companies Queens that happens to be your choice will send movers on time and you should be ready for their arrival. Long Island has much more organized traffic than Manhattan so if you plan on driving yourself there should be no issues.

If your kids are moving with you, you will need to keep them occupied for some time. Mover will have a lot of things to do and to avoid your kids running around, they should be busy doing something else. Since Long Island has amazing and green parks they could spend some extra time saying goodbye to locations they love.

Main differences between Long Island and Manhattan

Just like anyone who plans on moving soon, you may also wonder if will there be some new things waiting for you in Manhattan. The answer is both yes and no. When carrying out more complicated relocations to one of these places long distance moving companies will have a couple of advice that will be useful to you as well. Expect slightly more chaotic traffic in Manhattan and much more noise on the street. Manhattan is also more popular among tourists so you should start getting used to that as well. 

Weather conditions shouldn’t worry you, as there won’t be a lot of changes. You will still have snow in winter and hot and humid summers. At least you will have some things reminding you of your old home all the time. 

tall building behind the Roadway company logo
Don’t expect drastic changes when it comes to weather conditions!

Arriving on Manhattan

Welcome to your new life in one of the most popular places in the world. You are in for countless adventures and you won’t regret moving from Long Island to Manhattan. Since this place is crowded all the time, the best option is to have movers deal with some parts of your relocation. It is never too late to ask them for their service and will definitely be the best decision. Don’t be deceived by living in a smaller place. Small apartment movers NYC will probably deal with your inventory much better, no matter how many items you have. But even with their help, arriving in your new home doesn’t mean relocation is over and you will still have a lot of things to do. 

Adapting after moving from Long Island to Manhattan

The process of blending in will be more than easy. New York City is famous for wonderful places on every corner and Manhattan will make you fall in love with it instantly. According to statistics, most residents are renting their places, so prepare to constantly meet new people. Communities are wonderful in every area and chances are huge you will come across someone from Long Island. Your new neighbors will greet you as soon as they see you moving in, so get ready for making new friendships very soon. 

If you are taking things to the next level and moving your business as well, you will be way busier. Commercial movers NYC can take care of your equipment and help you set everything up quickly. Don’t worry about presenting your services to new customers. Manhattan is a place of thousand possibilities and you will find your target group in no time.

city at night time
Embrace the change and start bending in slowly!

Things you should do first

If for some reason you never had a chance to visit Manhattan before, you will have to locate some important places. This includes the nearest hospital, police station, post office, etc. Of course, the Internet can help you out a lot but taking a walk won’t do you any damage. Actually, this will be a great opportunity to see some new places and get to know your future home.

When the time for unpacking comes, keep in mind that now you are in your new home. There will be no need to rush through things as you will have all the time in the world. If some items are yet to arrive, make a plan on where to put them while waiting. Be creative and decorate the new place the way you always wanted to. Start with everyday items and rooms you will use the most. This includes the bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms. After you are done with these areas you can proceed to more delicate items. 

For those who own some things that are too fragile and expensive, white glove moving NYC could be the best option. They will know how to deal with these items better and you will avoid all the stress if something bad happens to them. 

What to avoid when moving from Long Island to Manhattan

Making sudden last-minute changes is probably the most important thing to stay away from. Not only your relocation may cost more, but you will feel more anxious throughout the process. This is why having a good and strategic plan is so important. But, unexpected things can happen to anyone and you should be ready to react quickly if some changes come your way. Always have an effective solution ready and make sure that losses are as low as possible. Moving companies can provide much advice so feel free to ask.

three people holding moving boxes
When moving from Long Island to Manhattan both movers and closest friends should be there to help you out!

Bottom line

And just like that, you finalized moving from Long Island to Manhattan like a real professional. With just a little bit of time and useful tips, there will be no issues for as long as this relocation lasts. If you feel blue and nostalgic for leaving your old home, don’t be. The feeling is just temporary and is usually there every time we make some big changes in our life. Manhattan will charm you immediately and its lovely residents will help you embrace the change. Apart from movers, include friends and family in this process, as you will feel much better knowing the people you love are close to you. 

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