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Most Common Reasons New Yorkers Decide to Move – Explained

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Everybody wants to live in New York – a sentence we often hear when mentioning the topic of relocation. One may ask why would a New Yorker leave The Empire State. Yes, it may seem strange, but the truth is – New Yorkers move from New York. Roadway Moving NYC, a New York moving company, has witnessed and participated in numerous relocations. Want to know the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move? Stay with us and find out why and where NY citizens move. Some of the reasons may surprise you.


New York
Most people find it hard to say goodbye to New York

Is it hard to say goodbye to the Empire State?

When thinking about New York, it’s hard to believe that one could leave it. However, there are different reasons why New Yorkers decide to move. And leaving NY is not an easy decision. New York offers many life opportunities. Besides, it’s hard to go away from its unique vibe. It seems like NY has something for everyone. Still, people decide to leave and start a new life somewhere else. Wonder about what are the reasons for such a decision? Following are some of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move despite all the advantages NY offers. If these reasons match yours, and you want to leave NY, hire some of the best long distance movers NYC has to offer and ensure a stress-free relocation.

Ten most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move

In the last couple of years, people have been flocking from New York in almost the same number as newcomers arrive. Relocation is a life-changing experience, and it happens at least once in a lifetime. Making such a decision to leave your home and start a new life somewhere else is not easy, but everybody strives for a better life. So do New Yorkers. Leaving NY happens for different reasons, and here are some of the most common ones:

  1. The high cost of living
  2. High housing costs
  3. Tax system
  4. Crowds and noise
  5. Career opportunities
  6. Air quality and weather
  7. Work-life balance
  8. Safety
  9. Education
  10. Retirement

The cost of living is one of the main reasons New Yorkers decide to move

Life in New York is appealing. However, there’s a price to pay. And it’s the cost of living that makes New Yorkers leave and settle down somewhere cheaper. Living in New York is fast, time and money-consuming. It’s no secret that New York is pretty expensive. For most people, it’s just not worth spending so much money while they can have a better life somewhere else. The overall cost of living in New York is about 150% higher than the national average. Following are the details about living costs:

  • Energy bills: approximately $175 a month
  • Gas: $6 /gallon
  • Food and grocery: 46% higher than the national average
  • Healthcare: 10% higher than the national average.

People usually move from Manhattan since it’s the most expensive area. And if you are the one who wants to leave it, you know whom to hire for your relocation – rely on our Manhattan movers and move without stress.

Living expenses: the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move
The cost of living in New York is high and it’s the main reason why New Yorkers relocate

Crazy housing market

The housing market in NY is constantly growing and so do the prices. No matter whether you rent or want to buy a house in New York, you can expect to pay a large amount of money. The median home price bid is about $740,000, while the median rent is $6,500, depending on the size of the home. For example, if you want to rent an apartment, you can expect to pay around $4,000 for a one-bedroom apartment. It’s definitely not worth the money. Imagine living in a small but expensive apartment. It means you may not have enough space for all your belongings, so you will probably have to find storage space. If you need storage before the move, use our moving and storage Brooklyn services to keep your belongings safe.

Tax system

Taxes are another common reasons New Yorkers decide to move. Namely, New York’s tax system is peculiar. It has its own advantages and disadvantages. According to Nerdwallet, New York State income tax rates are 4%, 4.5%, 5.25%, 5.9%, 5.97%, 6.33%, 6.85%, 9.65%, 10.3% and 10.9%, depending on filling status. 

New Yorkers leave NY in search of a more quiet life

New York has a lively atmosphere, and it’s great at some point. However, it can be overwhelming to constantly be in the center of a busy, crowded, and noisy environment. Many people experience burnout at some point in life and want to retreat to more quiet places. It is one of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move, especially if they have a family with young children. New York’s bustle may affect your family life since the busyness makes it difficult to balance between work and private life. People usually get stuck in a traffic jam, and it’s something you can only avoid if you move from New York.

If you want to move, you’ll need to organize very well, or the relocation may last forever. And to avoid all the hassle of moving, use professional moving services – hire some of the best movers in New York. Choose from Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Bronx movers. We got you covered wherever you are.

Crowded New Yokr is one of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move
Busyness is what affects the life of New Yorkers. That’s why they decide to move

Career development is one of the main reasons New Yorkers decide to move

Generally, the most common reason for moving is pursuing a career. And it’s not an exception with New Yorkers. Although NY has a thriving job market, most New Yorkers move to other countries for a job. It’s not about the number of jobs New York offers. It has to offer a plethora of jobs. It’s about searching for a better-paid job with more affordable living costs. New Yorkers are famous for being workaholics. However, they usually experience work burnout. So, they actually want to balance their income and living expenses. Besides, people move from New York to start their own businesses, and there are many better countries for entrepreneurship.

Work-life balance

Most New Yorkers find it hard to handle work and housing obligations, especially if they have children. And there’s also the problem with commuting. Since New York is constantly crowded, it takes hours to get from one point to another. And having to pick up children from kindergarten or school can be quite a problem if you find yourself in the middle of a traffic jam. So, this shortens the time you want to spend with your family. In New York, only weekends are reserved for family gatherings, and sometimes it’s not possible even at weekends. That’s why most New Yorkers with children move to other countries where they can balance their careers and private life.

Education is one of the most common reasons why New Yorkers move

Although New York has a plethora of education options, it’s not only about where you or your children are going to study. It’s about the time and managing all the responsibilities and routines. People with children tend to move from New York since it’s difficult to raise a student here. It’s difficult to pick up children from school, and the crime rates are higher. Taking that into consideration, parents usually decide to move to more family and education-friendly cities where their children can manage their time so that they have both a quality education and happy childhood.

New Jersey is the most common place New Yorkers move to. It offers excellent education opportunities. Besides, it has proximity to New York City, if, for example, you don’t want to leave your NYC job. Also, people are moving to Northern New Jersey, and if you are considering this option, check the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move to Northern NJ. Who knows, maybe it will be your choice too.

happy childhood is one of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move
New Yorkers move to other countries to ensure a happier childhood for their kids


To be honest, New York is not such a safe place to live. The crime rates are higher than the national average. Besides, there are many homeless people on the streets, which may add to the feeling of being unsafe, although not many homeless people are dangerous. Since New York is a crowded city, it usually happens that you cannot manage to pick up your children from school, so they have to take a subway, and there’s always the feeling that something may happen to them since New York isn’t the safest place.

Air quality and weather

Let’s face it. No crowded city has a healthy environment no matter how many green areas are there. Did you know that NYC IC is called “grungy”? It’s not without reason. It is often considered one of the dirtiest cities in America. When it comes to the weather, although New York has all seasons, it gets quite cold in winter. So, the weather is another reason why people move. The most common warm destination is Florida since it has about 270 sunny days, and it’s well known that Sun is beneficial and affects our mood. So, if you want to be sunkissed and move to Florida, hire some of the best international movers NYC to handle your relocation.

Retirement is one of the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move

Despite the fact that retirees can finally enjoy New York, they are usually fed up with all the hassle and bustle. Retirees usually tend to move to quiet places surrounded by nature. Besides, they are searching for a close-knit community they cannot find easily in New York. What’s more, they don’t want to spend a lot of money on commuting and healthcare. That’s why New York retirees choose to move to other countries. A peaceful lifestyle, fresh air, and community feel are the things retirees need the most after finishing their career.

A crowded NYC street
Leaving New York is a hard decision, but one thing is sure – you won’t miss the crowd.

Where do New Yorkers often choose to move to?

Leaving New York is a huge decision. Not many states can compare with the Empire State. However, there are some that stand by NY. The top three are:

  1. Florida: There’s no point in explaining this. Sunny weather, excellent vibes, a thriving job market, etc., attract New Yorkers.
  2. New Jersey: Although considered New York’s rival, NJ is actually the best choice if you don’t want to leave NYC forever.
  3. California: Education, job opportunities, family-friendly cities, etc., make California so appealing to New Yorkers. Want to move to Los Angeles? Check some of the best LA neighborhoods.

How to prepare for moving from New York

The best way to prepare for the move is to hire moving professionals. They will take care of every detail, so you don’t have to organize anything yourself. And whom better to rely on than Roadway Moving NYC? We offer numerous moving services all around NY. You can choose from our movers Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Bronx. Ensure a safe, smooth, and relaxed relocation experience. Leave New York with a nice feeling.

Roadway movers
Roadway movers are familiar with the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move. That’s why they will personalize your moving plan.

Get the chance to say goodbye to lovely New York – hire Roadway Moving NYC to handle your move

Although there are the most common reasons New Yorkers decide to move, New York will still be their first love. No matter how long you have lived in New York, you can never get enough of it. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore and enjoy it one more time before you move. Wonder how to manage that with all the relocation tasks awaiting you? No worries. Roadway Moving NYC will ensure that you have enough time for everything. Our professional movers NYC will take care of the most complex relocation tasks. Your only job is to contact us, state your requirements, and schedule your moving date. The rest is on us. We have got you covered. Use this opportunity to say goodbye to New York and spend some quality time with your family. Let your relocation be a worry-free experience.

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